Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ruins of the New Manchester Manufacturing Company

Sweetwater Creek is located in Lithia Springs, a suburb of Atlanta, GA. The New Manchester Manufacturing Company operated a textile mill and clothing manufacturing business along Sweetwater Creek that supplied the Confederate Army. The mill was burned by Union forces during the Atlanta Campaign, part of William Sherman's March to the Sea. The employees were taken prisoner by Union troops and forceably relocated to Ohio for the remainder of the war. The mill was the center of a small town that included a lumber yard, a brick manufacturing operation and a general store. There is no visible evidence of the town today in the area surrounding the mill ruins. You can see more of my photos of the ruins and Sweetwater Creek here. Shot with a Nikon N80 (35mm) on a tripod, a Nikon 28-70 f3.5 D lens and Fuji Superia Reala 100 film. (95420001e)

1 comment:

Anil said...

Very well done... almost looks unreal!